Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dear Penthouse forum...You'll never believe what happened to me...


First, I get locked out, for no apparent reason mind you, of posting privileges on ye old blogspot. Keep in mind that I've fought the inclination to start a blog. It's not that I don't have things to say. Sure I do. I just preferred to do it on someone else's blog. The White Whale was a particular favorite to display my wit and smarminess. I was happy just popping up intermittently, saying something, most likely off topic and moving along. No foul. But, nooooo. The wise folks at Google have given me the Heisman.

My mind is , on a good day, a hodgepodge of movie quotes, obscure songs & a heaping helping of sarcasm. Don't ask about the bad days. They're more like a Warner Brothers cartoon after a weekend bender.

So here it is, in all it's glory.

Basically, I fought the blogosphere and the blogosphere won.

So... In a thrilling turn of events, the Blog of Doob is now LIVE!!

I can't say with what frequency or determination I will update said blog. But, that's kind of the point, huh? Go where the wind or the endorphins take me.

Aint the internet a gas?


Wm. said...

Visualize me pointing my finger at you and laughing.

Mr. Doob said...

That should be no problem.

EegahInc said...

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Mr. Doob said...

A Life Alert situation if ever there was one.

I've Fallen...and I can't get up!!